Jumat, 09 September 2016


LECTURERS : Dra. Nuraeni Abbas, M.Pd.

Paper is Organized to Fulfill the English Language Courses
INDRI KARTIKAWATI                            1401412441



            Our gratitude to Allah SWT, because thanks to His grace and blessings we can complete our task this paper. Writing papers is one of the duties and requirements to complete the task the subjects English Language. and our thanks to Mrs. Nuraeni Abbas and to all my friends who have supported all be smooth making this task.
            in our paper, we discuss about the culture of education, we are all aware that the English language today is already a world language in use, which is very important we learn to era of globalization.
            We realize that this task is far from perfect, the author feels there are still many shortcomings both in technical writing and matter, in view of the capabilities of the author, therefore criticism and suggestions from readers who are building, so author expect this task to perfection ,
            We expect this task may be useful for us all, and to contribute ideas for the needy, especially the writer that the expected goals can be achieved, Amin.

A.  Background of the Problem
Let us consider the behavior of the children's behavior today. From speaking style, attitude and thinking mereka.Memang very many of those who still adhered to the creative and positive values​​. But there are also among those who only spend time playing. And even with the forced learning, lazy and without restraint.
In Indonesia, the kids like the target of the people who are not responsible, who want to destroy for the sake of reaping personal gain. Among them is to teach them to smoke, try marijuana, drug even once. Modus operandi diverse, from subtle manner to 'blatant', as devised by an actual candy is a drug. And in the end their addiction, so wanted to try it again and again.
On the other hand, when many school children waste the opportunity to learn, there are still a lot of Indonesian children who can not enjoy formal education. Most of them are people who are not able to, and be under the poverty line. Let alone the cost of education, to finance day-to-day life is very difficult. In Indonesia, the poverty rate is still very high, and the number of poor families are increasingly growing.
Something that dilemma, because what we expect is the development of the next generation of our nation. Where they can contribute optimally to the future of our nation better in the future.
B.  Formulation of the Problem
Based on the problems above, the authors make biodegradable formulation of the problem as follows:
1. Is Character Education Nation can be integrated into all subjects?
2. How do I implement Character Education Nation integrated into all subjects?
3. How does the process of development Character Education Nation?

C. Purpose
Based on the above formulation of the problem the authors make the following objectives:
1.    To prove that the national character education can be integrated into all subjects
2.    To find out how to implement Character Education Nation integrated into all subjects
3.    To determine the character of the nation's educational development

National character education in learning integrated with all subjects are targeted integration of subject matter, delivery procedures, and interpretation of the students' learning experience. The consequences of integrated learning, the learning mode students should vary according to the character of each student's learning variation can be read reference material, observing, experimenting, interviewing informants, and so by way of a group or individually.
The implementation of the variation mode of learning students need to be supported by the variation in delivery mode lessons by teachers. The habit of delivering lessons exclusively and ekspositorik approach should be developed to a more diverse as diskoveri and inquiry. Information delivery activities, strengthening the concept, the disclosure experiences of students through a monologue by the teacher needs to be replaced with the mode of delivery indicated by the active involvement of the students both intellectually (significantly) and emotionally (internalized usefulness) so it is more responsive to efforts to realize the goal of education intact. With the stock varisai learning mode, the learning scenarios in which the relevant national Character Education as the following example can be implemented more meaningful.
Placement of the nation's Character Education is integrated with all subjects does not mean do not have consequences. Therefore, there needs to be a commitment to agreed and addressed carefully as kosekuensi logical. These commitments are as follows. Character education nation (as part of the curriculum) to be integrated in all subjects, in the process of development should cover all three dimensions of the curriculum as an idea, as a document of the curriculum, and the curriculum as a process (Hasan, 2000) for all subjects laden nation Character Education . Furthermore, Hasan (2000) parse that development folisifi ideas regarding curriculum, curriculum models, approaches and learning theory, approach or model evaluation. Development of documents relating to the decision about the type of information and documents to be produced, the form / format of syllabus and curriculum components must be developed. Meanwhile, the development process with respect to the development of the empirical level as lesson plans, classroom learning, and evaluation. In order for the development of this process is a continuation of the development of ideas and documents must be preceded by a process of socialization by the people involved in both processes, or at least in the process of curriculum development as a document.
In integrated learning for learning effective and runs as expected there are requirements that must be owned that (a) teachers professional foresight in anticipating the use of a variety of possible landing hook should do the students to lead the establishment of intra conceptual linkages or antarmata field of study and (b ) mastery of the material to areas of study that need to be linked (Bill, 1996). Related to Character Education nation as an integrated learning all subjects hook directives intended to be a question that must be answered or tasks to be done by students that led to the development of the national Character Education and the development of human qualities.
There are several ways that can be done by teachers to enhance character education elementary students are:
1.    By example
The nature of the child is imitative, therefore a teacher should have to always set a good example in accordance with the norms and rules. The purpose here is not just to give an example to explain examples of good behavior, but the behavior of the teacher must be either continuously so it can be emulated.
All teachers must make himself as an authoritative example for the students. For no one would have any meaning if the teacher teaches Civics solve a problem as opposed to the way of democracy, while another teacher authoritarian manner. Or a teacher of religious education in answering questions from the students in a way that reason is to give the example of the Prophet and the Companions, while another teacher just said carelessly in answering.
Another example:
a.    Teachers come to school earlier than students and students home after everything is back
b.    Every morning teachers greet students with a smile, greet, greeting at the school gate
c.    Get in and out of the classroom on time
d.    Provide services to students with a friendly
e.    Not emotional
f.     Honest
g.    Act-spoken and well-mannered
h.    Dressed in a neat
i.      Democratic
j.      Etc..
2.    Through habituation
Habituation is one way that can be used to educate students. In this way the student is expected to be used to perform a good thing. Example:
a.    To inculcate the spirit of nationalism on Mondays perform a flag ceremony and singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya.
b.    Praying before the first lesson begins and before going home
c.     Say hello every meet with teachers and friends
d.    Reading the verses of Al-Quran for 10 minutes every morning in first period
e.    Following nourishment activities every Friday
f.     Picket duty cleaning schedule
g.    Set aside once a week pocket money which will be used to help students who are less able
h.    Implement the midday prayer in congregation
i.      Disposing of waste in place
j.      Implement the midday prayer in congregation
k.    Following the self-development or extracurricular activities
l.      Comply with school discipline
3.    Through a systematic effort.
This method can be done by entering the culture and character of the nation's program to students through school programs and SBC. Here the role of the teacher is crucial and expected by SBC with complete syllabus and RPPnya teachers can instill spirit and character of the students into the Indonesian nation strong and powerful in the era of globalization where competition between nations is very competitive.
Implementation of character education through efforts to unite the values ​​and characters that will be formed in each subject. All subjects taken by the paradigm that all teachers are teaching character (character educator). All subjects are assumed to have a mission in shaping the moral character of the students positively. With this model the character education becomes the collective responsibility of all components of the school. This model is seen as more effective, but it requires readiness, moral and exemplary knowledge of all teachers. One thing that is more difficult than learning the character itself. On the other hand the model also requires kratifitas and courage of the teachers in preparing and developing the syllabus and Learning Implementation Plan (RPP).
Surely every teacher must be in accordance with the purpose of education intact. Whole purpose of education is much broader than that packed in the teaching mission of Basic Competency (KD). Formulated objectives based view of behaviorism and memorization alone is untenable. The teacher should be able to open up in developing the approach formulated objectives, as not all human qualities can be expressed by rote certain measurable. The imposition of a development objective in the basic competencies untenable if only refers to mere memorization.

Development of Learning Process
Learning the national character education using learning approaches that learners are active and child-centered; conducted through various activities in the classroom, school, and community.
1.    Class, through the process of learning any subject or activity that is designed in such a way. Each learning activities to develop skills in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Therefore, it is not always necessary to develop learning activities specific to the educational values ​​of the culture and character of the nation. Nevertheless, for the development of certain values ​​such as hard work, honesty, tolerance, discipline, self-contained, the spirit of nationalism, patriotism, and love to read to through the usual learning activities teachers. For pegembangan some other value such as social care, care for the environment, curiosity, and creative efforts require conditioning so that learners have the opportunity to bring the behavior that shows those values.
2.    The school, through various school activities followed by all students, teachers, principals, and administrative staff at the school, it was planned since the beginning of the school year, included Academic Calendar and performed daily as part of the school culture. Examples of activities that can be incorporated into the school program is a competition between classes vocal group of the theme songs of patriotism, art performances, themed speech competition of national character, national character-themed performances, sports competitions between classes, art competitions between classes, exhibits the works of participants Students themed character of the nation, handiwork photo exhibition themed character of the nation's students, writing contest, writing contest song, do an interview to figures related to the character of the nation, invited various speakers to discuss, his speech, or lecture related to the character of the nation.
3.    Foreign schools, through extracurricular activities and other activities in which the entire or part of the students, the school is designed from the start of the school year, and put in the Academic Calendar. For example, visits to places that foster a love of the homeland, cultivate the national spirit, doing community service for foster care and social solidarity (helping those stricken by flood, repair or cleaning public places, to help clean up or organize goods certain places of worship).

A.  Conclusion
Based on the foundation of the discussion that decomposes ditas it can be summarized as follows:
1.    It is reasonable if the nation in Character Education learning integrated into all subjects. The reasons for that is because it increases the noble character of the students is the responsibility of all teachers, all teachers should be role models authoritative, whole goal of education is to form the figure of the student as a whole, should cover the impact of educational attainment and impact instructional accompaniment.
2.    Character Education Implementation nation integrated into all subjects, more adequate development in an integrated curriculum model and integrated learning by determining the center core on the subjects that will dibelajarkan.
3.    Character Education development process of the nation as an integrated learning should be processed like other kuriklum that as ideas, documents, and processes; professional flair and mastery of the material; support school education; landing spontaneous and immediate reinforcement; assessments varied; diffusion, innovation and socialization is a commitment-commitments must be received and responded to in the declaration of the nation's integrated learning Character Education.
B.  Suggestion
Suggestions that can be presented are:
1.    The integration of Character Education is education activities. Character education activities expected in a discussion, simulation, and performance for a variety of school activities that teachers are expected to be more active in learning
2.    Positive school environment helps build character. For that fix the school to be a positive environment.
3.    Teachers must first discipline student discipline will surely follow
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Kendal, 16 December 2012


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